Merit Badge Counselors

If you have questions, please reach out to the RSJ Advancement Committee at

Find a merit badge counselor

RSJ District is now using Scoutbook to provide Troops access to the list of Merit Badge Counselors.  Finding a Merit Badge Counselor is easy in Scoutbook for Troop Adult Leaders, and it is always up to date with currently-registered MBCs and their contact.    

Scouts and Parents who are not leaders should reach out to their Scoutmaster or Troop Merit Badge Coordinator to access the list and request a MBC available to work with Scouts in the Troop.

Follow these steps to search for a Merit Badge Counselor near you:

For full instructions on how to use Scoutbook to find a Merit Badge Counselor, click here.

Become a Merit Badge Counselor

Registering with the RSJ District as a Merit Badge Counselor is a great way to support our ScoutsBSA Troops. You'll share your knowledge and enthusiasm about career, hobby or other subject with our Scouts. With over 135 merit badges in the program, there's a topic of interest for every adult willing to work with middle- and high-school age youth through our program!

To sign-up as a merit badge counselor, you must do the following steps:

If you have an active OCBSA unit registration, you only need to complete steps 3–5 with 30 minutes of training. 

If you're already position-trained as a Troop Committee Member, there is just one additional 7 minute training module!

If you are currently registered as a Merit Badge Counselor and want to update badges, please resubmit the online Merit Badge Counselor Form.

Merit Badge Resources

For Scouts:

For Merit Badge Counselors: